New investment: Mobile loyalty platform RewardLoop

New investment: Mobile loyalty platform RewardLoop
July 18, 2011

I am very happy to announce a new investment today: RewardLoop is a mobile loyalty platform that enables a merchant of any size to launch and manage a card-less loyalty program for the mobile era. There are a few things that got me very excited about Vancouver-based RewardLoop. First and most importantly, the company founders Nigel Malkin and Jeff LaPorte are two outstanding entrepreneurs that have shown in the past how to successfully start and build companies. Secondly. it is my firm belief that many categories will be completely “remade” by the mobile revolution and loyalty programs are very high on that list (as are payments). Last but not least, RewardLoop has come up with a very smart solution to quickly get into legacy POS systems by developing RewardLoop Connect, a patent-pending plug & play device that supports both QR code-based and NFC–based transactions, and is universally compatible with the world’s leading POS platforms.

It is early days in mobile and I am putting an increasing focus on investment opportunities in that space – so truly excited to see RewardLoop join my previous mobile investments Barcode Hero and Flurry.

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